[Artemisia] Re: OP Website

no1home at onewest.net no1home at onewest.net
Thu Apr 1 17:23:52 CST 2004

> HL Isabeau de Sevingy, Graft of Lamb Tissue

Graft of Lamb Tissue???  Somebody gave you some mutton????

The OPrec says "Graft of Limb Tissue" - graft, for example, as where a
"graft" were given to you, granted on might even say, as would happen in a
medical precedure, say for reattachment of accidentally amputated body
parts, or for replacement of skin in the case of burns...and Limb Tissue
certainly includes Arms (and legs and fingers and toes and...)  Anyway,
that was my take on the matter when I tood discovered that I had a Graft
of Limb Tissue, not to mention the coveted Dead Leaf award...

You know, getting the spelling right on those awards names is VARY

> Cool.  I did notice however that a few people were not in the proper place
> within the precedence.  Symone de Clare should be before all the Viscounts
> and Vicountess' since she is a Countess.  Also Vicount Sir Gareth ap
> Llewyln should be in with the rest of the Viscounties but is down in the
> middle of the Knights.  Just an observation by an old herald.
> Kelwin

While not the kingdom precedence herald, I do have some familiarity with
the Order of Precedence database in its current incarnation.  There are
actually more misplaced people than what you noticed (I had missed some of
what you caught - I've been making a list myself to give to the precedence
herald).  The problem here is that mistakes tend to probagate forward from
previous version of the OPrec to the current one - and since the keeper of
the OPrec has not been in Artemisia since the Dawn of Time(TM), a lot of
these misplacements aren't caught by him (or me) due to simple
unfamiliarity.  Ones close to home, like Sir Edmond lacking his knighthood
in the OPrec, we can catch; but ones that are historical (or hysterical)
or are from groups where we seldom have opportunity to visit, we'll miss
those more often than not.  There are things that can help with this
problem.  One is for current terratorial heralds and recently former
terratorial heralds and former royalty and old used heralds (and other old
folks with cause to remember, like peers and seneschal and their ilk) who
have been around since the Dawn of Time(TM) to send the OPrec herald ALL
politely worded emails with corrections, respectively.  I know the OPrec
herald is such a shy and quiet guy (unless you let him into your kitchen
to cook, though he won't invite himself, so keep that in mind if you want
an Iron Chef Champion cook to do food for you...) so when he asks for
these things himself on the Aerie in his quiet, shy and retiring way, no
one ever seems to hear him...and then he mopes about the house being
depressed because the mailbox and email are empty...poor El Hermoso
Dormiendo...nobody ever sends him their court reports, poor guy...

now if I were Wormword and ran the OPrec, nobody would dare not send in
their paperwork because I'm such a mean nasty foul-mouthed contentious old
crow with bad manners and a worse attitude and you'd never ever ever again
sleep soundly at night once I was done with you for not turning in your
court paperwork...grrrrrrrr....snarl....slobber...droll...growl.....  And
the fact that I'm married to that poor, nice, charming, wonderful,
overworked, underpaid, underappreciated saint of a man, Lard El Hermoso
Dormiendo, Wormwood Persuivant, who had begged and pleaded with me not to
maul and maim all you miserable lazy slobs who are late with your court
paperwork, has nothing to do with the fact that I've left you alive
despite all the grief you've caused that dear, dear man...

Now for knowledgeable people who can spot misplacements and mistakes in
the OPrec, we will cheerfully take all the help you want to email in to
Wormwood, and maybe we might even cook something nice up for the folks who
are most helpful in this regard (I believe Wordwood has previously posted
as to what it takes to get mistakes fixed - so I will not bore you all
repreating it right now).

So if those with long memories from the Dawn of Time(TM), or better yet,
with old heralds' paperwork or old Sages or photos that might help
establish lost dates of events can help out, great! Wormwood would be

. After all, it isn't his OPrec, it's all of ours!

So Kelwin, I will add your corrections to the list I've been making, and
when Wormwood next manages a few hours free (between his full-time geek
job and his college homework), stuff will get fixed to the best of his
ability.  Anything else you spot, please feel free to just email it

You know, I found out today that the Ukrainian word for wormwood is
chernobyl, no kidding.

Wormwood's Wife
(and don't you dilatory delayers of court paperwork forget that....grrrrr!)

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