[Artemisia] Sage Advice

sageadvice at rmci.net sageadvice at rmci.net
Thu Jul 29 15:54:01 CDT 2004

Greetings Artemisia,

This month's reminder is a little different on the Sage Deadline as I have
just found out I will be sporadically out of town the last half of August
for mundane work.  As this will inconvenience myself and a few other good
gentles, I will apologize now, but there is nothing I can do except to be
a little strict and ask you meet the deadline of the First of the month,
which BTW is in two days.

Now..., back to the regular posting:

Its that time again.  The August Sage is in the mail and the deadline to
make the SEPTEMBER Sage is in TWO DAYS.  ANYTHING received after August
1st will be printed in OCTOBER'S issue.

Please send all submissions, event articles ***WITH COMPLETED REGISTRATION
FORM***, event teasers, release forms, stories, poems, artwork, changes,
OFFICER REPORTS, etc., etc. to:  sageadvice at rmci.net   Please send items
electronically. If you can not send them electronically, **call me**
208-658-1943, I have a way to make it easier on you to send them
electronically.  :-) I will send an email confirmation for items that have
been received.  If you don't get one, I have not gotten it, please try
again.  Hard copy art work can be sent to: 2655 Camden Ave.  Boise, ID 
83704, but must be here by the posted deadline.

****Also remember I COPY AND PASTE.****  I never claimed to be a
professional at spelling or typing so please double check your spelling
AND punctuation.  :-)

I'd also like to encourage those of you with artistic skills to send in
your art work for covers or other areas of the Sage.  So.. I'm sending out
a challenge to all the Artists I KNOW are in this Kingdom for Art
Submissions!  You'll receive credits and a complimentary copy of the Sage
Advice you can give out to friends or family!  What more could you ask
for?  :-)

Thanks Bunches!!!!
Lady Freydis

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