[Artemisia] Mythological Creatures of Artemisia

Marten van Rosenveldt kendofencer at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 27 09:19:43 CST 2006

My Dearest Excellency,

You should be delighted to know that while most of your Barony was abed at this past Raptor War (to return bigger and better), the Duelists of Arn Hold had actually taken the field of honor as the sun peeked over the serried hills and did fight (courteously) for the honor of being the premier "Duelist at Dawn" in and for your Barony.

The field was, of necessity, limited to those who were interested enough in the arme blanche to kick off the covers and leave the warm and tender embraces of their loved ones to foster the arte of fence.  As a result, as you have remarked, they have earned the appelation of Duelists, while the hoi polli remain in the ranks of fencers.


----- Original Message ----
From: Baron Arnhold <bnbarnhold at yahoo.com>
To: Kingdom of Artemisia mailing list <artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:28:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Artemisia] Mythological Creatures of Artemisia

and let us not forget the "Duelists at Dawn" that actually were in armor and fighting at sunrise at Raptor War
  Tor von Butterberg, OP
  Baron of Arn Hold

Jacquie Ziegler <shauna at bresnan.net> wrote:
  Jefferson Crow wrote:

>Along with Saint Alan, there is the Great Brine Shrimp of Loch Salann,
>The Og of Gryphon's Lair the revered St Pyre, the Pancake horde and
>Zucchini Menace of Cote du Ciel. These also jump readily to mind.
>Raven MacLeod
And, of course, the Dread PaddleBeastie of Bronzehelm has not made an 
appearance for
several years - the beast was believed drowned at one time, but the 
spawn of paddlebeastie
did make an appearance later. No one has seen them for quite a while, 
but it is still possible
that one or more survive - the river has been low enough for the past 
three or four years to
allow for the nest or nests to not be inundated. :-)

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