[Artemisia] Creating a Persona

Bruce Padget bapadget at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 17 16:32:16 CDT 2007

--- Sarah Natividad <sarah.natividad at gmail.com> wrote:

> If my persona has a secret that if revealed in
> period would put her and
> her family in peril, whom could she confide in
> nowadays?

Me! :D

No, really! *blink,blink*


In earnest -- a couple of days ago, I happened upon a
reasonably-priced translation of _The Book of My
Life_, written by Cardano while under
Inquisition-ordered house arrest.   I've just started,
but it looks like a book that will have many persona
ideas I can adapt, outright steal, or use as points of
departure for research.  You had expressed interest in

I will, of course, have it at Coronation.

(A dozen years into my second persona, and still
finding things out about him)
bapadget at yahoo.com

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