[Artemisia] [Fwd: [calontir-heralds] Information Needed from the Populace of Calontir]

Jacquie Ziegler shauna at bresnan.net
Sun Mar 25 16:41:07 CDT 2007

rayzentz at aim.com wrote:
> Saw what, exactly?
> Padruig 
Oops, I guess the forwarded message got stripped.


Let me try this again, a different way:

Begin excerpt:

Greetings Milords and Miladies of the Kingdom of Calontir,

Recently, an idea came to mind to perform a ceremony at the Tournament
of Horse and Falcon called the Riderless Horse Ceremony. This
ceremony has been perfomed in history with documentation from the time
of Gengis Khan to honor those persons who are no longer with us.

What I am wanting to do is see if each seneschal can send me the names
of members of your community who have passed away, along with the year
they left us, who were members of the SCA so that we may officially
recognize them and what they gave to us. At the Tournament of Horse
and Falcon, there will be a horse with only a halter led through the
area. The only thing that will be on the horse will be a purple and
gold blanket on his back with black tassles fastened to it. Each of
these tassles will be for each person who has passed away. Their SCA
name, SCA device or badge, SCA title, SCA awards, mundane name, and
year of death will be recorded in a book and the person's SCA name
will be written/embroderied on the horse's blanket.

End of excerpt

This was on the Calontir Heralds list, of course their Kingdom colors
are purple and gold.

Just some info.


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