[Artemisia] The Uprising of Volunteers

Aethric Filius Eahlstan aethric at a1restoration.net
Thu May 31 13:53:04 CDT 2007

Oyez, Oyez,


            To all those who will be at Uprising:  Lady Ysabel de Lille and
Aethric Filius Eahlstan bid you welcome!  As Volunteerocrats for Uprising,
we will be hoping for a wonderful, smooth event.  We know that this comes
from the plentiful volunteers that freely give of their time, without
thought of reward.  To better give people an idea of what types of
opportunities are available, we will have a list of needed positions to help
this event run smoothly posted at Troll Point.  To further help encourage
groups to participate together, we have come up with an optional
competition.   If you are interested, please scroll down to read the rules
of said optional competition.  We thank you for all of your help in advance,


Yours in Service Aethric & Ysabel.





























All groups interested in the Volunteer Contest must contact us (Aethric (at)
a1restoration (dot) net, Ysabel_delille (at) yahoo (dot) com) ASAP with the
following information:  How many in their group is participating, and the
names of the people.


A board will be kept at Heralds' Point detailing the activities of the day,
what volunteers are needed, and an updated chart of the groups as well as
their progress in the competition.

Volunteers will be needed and counted for the following activities:
Heralding tournies, town criers, teaching classes, water bearing, set up of
activities, tear down for activities, Reeve point, chiurgeon activities (IF
a chiurgeon), marshalling for tournies (heavy, rapier, and archery, ONLY IF
a marshall!), and security.

No one under 14 can participate.  14-18 cannot walk security at any time,
nor may they participate in any volunteering activity that may be considered

Volunteer hours only count if done in the benefit of all, for example
helping with Queen's Tea set up, walking security, setting up for court,
etc., not for helping someone haul water to their encampment, although
you'll certainly get brownie points with the ones you're helping!  :D

Volunteers will sign in at their posts with their name, group, time in and
time out.  (In fact, we want to do this for ALL volunteers, whether or not
they're in the competition, so we can track all the hours done at Uprising,
and send out thank yous)

The competition starts when site officially opens, and ends Saturday
afternoon at 5pm.  

Volunteer hours after 5pm Saturday until site closes will be marked as
double, and applied to next year's count.

Night security details will get time and a half for the less popular times!

The winner of this year's competition will receive a banner that they may
display this year, as well as at next Uprising for their group's encampment.

Any group, barony, shire, or household, may enter the competition.

Winners will be calculated amount of people participating per group, and the
amount of hours per group, to make it equal for everyone. (Math...blah...see
Aethric for math details, not Ysabel)

A cookie party will be held at House Wool Key (In the Barony of 1000 Eyes)
(Saturday Early Evening) in thanks for ALL volunteers, whether or not they
participated in the competition.

Just as a note!  There will be NO minimum hours mandatory for those groups
participating in the competition.  (We decided to apply the KISS methodology
;) )


YIS, Aethric filius Eahlston and Lady Ysabel de Lille


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