[Artemisia] Schola is coming up soon

Jacquie Ziegler shauna at bresnan.net
Mon Sep 3 14:10:10 CDT 2007

Greetings one and all!

After a summer of feasting and fighting, come to Bronzehelm for our 
Second Annual Schola to start off your fall eventing with a day of learning.

We will be having a full slate of classes all afternoon to be followed 
by a Viking style 'above and below the salt' feast cooked by Mistress 
Caointairn. Here is the official event announcement:

September 29^th 2007*

The Shire of Bronzehelm is sponsoring a day of academia for all to learn 
more about the Middle Ages and Renaissance

The site is */Hope United Methodist Church/*,  244 Wicks Lane in the 

This is a *DRY* site. 

 Site opens at 12:00noon, and closes at 11:00pm.  Classes will start at 
1:00pm and run until 5:00pm 

 Classes are currently being scheduled and there is always room for one 
more scholar to share their knowledge.  There is also a substantial 
outdoor area for martial arts instruction.  Mistress Shauna is the class 
coordinator and may be contacted at: shaunna at bresnan.net 
<mailto:shaunna at bresnan.net> or phone: 406 245 4537

*Check out the class schedule at www.bronzehelm.net 
<http://www.bronzehelm.net/> *

 Maistreas Caointiarn is serving a */Viking Feast/* featuring above & 
below the salt seating.  The site will only accommodate 60 diners, so 
*prepaid reservations* need to be sent in by *Sept 15^th , 2007*.  */The 
menu includes:/* cucumber relish, mushroom spread, split pea soup, 
Icelandic Chicken, apple turnips, alaunder of beef {or stew} juniper 
cabbage, fish, parsnips, honey custard, sweet haggis, poached pears. 
Menu may change dependent on the harvest, and fishermen's luck.

Those with special dietary /allergy concerns should contact the Head Cook.

 *SITE FEE:*  $5.00 per adult, an additional  $3.00 for non-members

Children 4 -10 years are half price for site & feast, under 3 years are 
guests of the Shire.

*Feast Fee:* $12.00 for above the salt,  limited to 12 persons with 
teachers getting first preference.  Below the salt is $6.00

*Mail reservations to*: Karen Ostrowski  2832 Oakland Dr  Billings MT 59102

 *Event Steward*: Lady Thorkatla Bjarnidottir {Kathleen Gookin Ford}  
jefkatem at yahoo.com <mailto:jefkatem at yahoo.com>  phone: 406 256 2083

 Head Cook: Maistreas Caointiarn  406 651 8146  or caointiarn1 at bresnan.net

 Merchants are graciously welcome, and visitors from afar may contact 
the Autocrat for directions and crash space.

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