[Artemisia] Making Fighting Fun...

Dan Lind darthnapster at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 20:38:50 CST 2008

On 1/14/08, Dan Lind <darthnapster at gmail.com > wrote:

> Having some jerk send his royal champion after you before you've
> worn armor for the first time can be a very similar experience.
> Einarr the Christian

 Having re-read my previous post, I feel it necessary to clarify.  The jerk
in question was not royal, his champion was.  I did not piss off the crown,
thus drawing royal wrath.  I said something polite with intent to help
a baron who grossly misunderstood me.  Even though I had meant no offence, I
apologised to him.  He, a non-fighter, then proceeded threaten me with a
duel against his champion, a viscount who I was already in awe of.  The
baron demanded that I come to an event in three months, where his champion
would prove that I was an big jerk for trying to help the baron.  I had
never been in armor before.  So I spent the entire summer armoring up and
learning to fight.  It was not fun.  It was slow torture knowing that at the
end, I was going to have the crap beat out of me by the viscount I admired
so much.  All of this just to prove me in the wrong.  Fortunately, time
passes.  I bear no ill will to the baron's champion, the viscount, who was
as much a pawn as I in the barons response.  Having spent thirteen years
away from the SCA due to things like this, I submit that while heavy
fighting is a draw for some people, mishandling it can also drive people
away.  Please try, while you are making heavy fighting more fun, to not ruin
it for anyone else.

Einarr the Christian Son of Håkon of The Great City Miklagard of the Order
of the Gryphon's Pride

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