[Artemisia] The teaching children life-skills

BECKY LEISHMAN leishman10 at msn.com
Tue Jan 22 17:31:27 CST 2008

I am glad to see that you included the boys in all of those life lessons. 

All of my boys can cook, clean and sew (better than some women)
They understand clearly the link between having something clean to wear, and doing the laundry - yourself. 
They also understand clearly the link between if you're hungry, cook something. 

For this.... their wives and girlfriends have been eternally grateful. 

My hubby on the other hand, who grew up in an environment of boys do these things and girls do these... 
is still 'learning', but working through the lessons well enough.  

My momilie is:  God gave you two good hands and a good brain for a reason, use them.


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