[Artemisia] Defenders

ravenmacleod at comcast.net ravenmacleod at comcast.net
Tue Mar 11 14:55:29 CDT 2008

You are very right; this is a very long court, by SCA standards. The idea was to try something completely different than our "normal" way of doing things, hence the sideboard instead of a feast. The reason for this is that our events typically go like this...
Site opens 
Head for the hills
I thought (with the Excellencies Loch Salann) that it might be fun to include the days entertainments in the process on the court itself allowing them to process through the day, honoring members of their court as they see fit and enjoying the events of the day. 
I'll send another message out but I am looking for official performers for the event, this doesn’t mean you have to spend all day performing but it give me a list of people to call on to "entertain" the court. 
Raven MacLeod 

En fides abunde virtus, en virtus abunde fides. 

If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful after all. --Michelangelo 

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