[Artemisia] Largesse

sheelaegh sheelaegh at pmt.org
Wed Mar 26 22:06:01 CDT 2008

Greetings Unto the Populace of Artemisia,


Their Most Royal Majesties Reinmar III and Albreda III, would be grateful and honored to receive contributions from the all those noble members of the Populace blessed in the skills of the arts to help Them share our Kingdom's wealth and talent in the way of largesse.  Items that They may give as tokens or gifts during their travels through out the Kingdom.   Woods and wines, leather and lace, words and more.  Their Most Royal Majesties will be attending Pennsic War in August as such this brings forth wonderful opportunities to put our Artisan's on display for the Knowne World to see. 


Please help Them to show our rarity, that to be Artemisian is to be renowned the Knowne World over, with largesse worthy to be shared with Their most Majestic of cousins.  If possible, please nothing fragile, very large or needing special handling.  


Their Majesties are greatly appreciative of all your generosity, hard work, time and creativity in the making of these gifts and will bestow these gifts with honor.  Whenever possible, please include SCA name and local group, so that all good gentles may receive Their recognition and appreciation. 


If there is anyone who has any largesse and would like to deliver to me, I will be in attendance at Crown Tournament and St. Pyre's.  As we draw nearer to Pennsic, I will be posting future events I will be attending.  If you have any questions or need help in getting the largesse to me, please feel free to call me 208-734-7592 (please no calls after 10:00 pm) or e-mail me at jlwarr at pmt.org 
Respectfully in Service to Their Royal Majesties, Reinmar and Albreda,


HE Sheelaegh mac Cathail

Privy Secretary to Their Majesties

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