[Artemisia] Long Re: Word for scribes from the Crown and the Royal Heirs

Jean-Richard deHolloway armorbug1 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 18 14:51:56 CST 2009

On Tue Nov 17 17:36:24 CST 2009, Theodora of Trebizond wrote:

"Accepting creativity in all its forms is an evolutionary process that most
things in the SCA have gone through.  What was considered acceptable 20, 10
or even 5 years ago is not necessarily acceptable today.  (thinking freon
can helmets here).  The SCA as a whole has more knowledge and access to
better materials than we did back then for just about any type of art or
craft.  And accordingly the expectations should be higher."

Okay, first: accepted, accepted, accepted that the Crown has the right to do
as they wish...whether it's a good idea or not.  For me, censorship of the
 arts in any way smacks of Nationalism to the extreme, and I for one will
 never allow such actions to pass without comment.  This is one of the few
 things I am absolutely passionate about:  don't f*&k with the
 arts...EVER!  Hence, my reactionary letter.

Now, in accordance with Thea's above quoted statement, I would like to put
 forth that if we are going to improve the state of play and up the level
 of pageantry and such, that a person that is going to sing or play an
 instrument or recite a poem during feast have at least three years of
 professional training.  After all, a scroll with crayon and pen only
 offends the eye (and I must say, the eyes that are offended are in the
 minority), but a broken voice with no tone at all ruins an entire dinner
 (which I paid for...the scroll was FREE)!

In Service to the Dreamers,

HL Jean-Richard deHolloway
Seneschal, Gryphon's Lair
A&S Champion, Gryphon's Lair
Archery Champion, Gryphon's Lair


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