[Artemisia] mixing paint

Kay Moore arrowyn at msn.com
Tue Nov 24 03:24:19 CST 2009

and thank you, Osondrea, for sharing the specifics of of the purpose of egg whites, and to Her Grace for imparting even more of the knowledge she so humbly attempts to hide!  

> From: osondrea at gmail.com
> Really, Conchobhar, I thought you had heard about glair before now. Egg whites are an old 'trick' , etc., etc.> 
> Osondrea


> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Mike Bradley
> <connor.mac.michil at gmail.com>wrote:
> > Wait...what?
... I just kept using paper, ink, and water/oil colors. Maybe my work would have been better and more appreciated if I'd added some poultry amniotic fluid.
> > (Or maybe it was getting a scroll that I spent 30+ hours on back from the Baron and Baroness ... with my name on it... but still... :) Or  maybe it's because *every* scroll I do takes that long. Not everyone
 can be that bi... > >

Couchbar (who ran around gloating...)  (and apparently still does...)  > >  > > And seriously, eggs?


Well, while I may have joined this topic a few days late, (we had traveled to An Tir for a wondrous event) I would like very much to add the following:


As anyone who spends "30+ hours minimum on scrolls" surely you would have run across the 'egg' information as stated - I, myself, back in The Day have done literally countless scrolls, and run across information as regards paints and their makings.  Perhaps you also are unaware that by adding vinegar or bovine urine to your Permelba will create a generous and streak-free whitewash.


As to the rest of your post, Couchbar - geeez, don't blow your own horn or anything...


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