[Artemisia] Digital Subscriptions

Zafirah Tahreer Bint Al Riyah zemlar at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 22 14:35:26 CDT 2009

Greetings and Salutations!

I would like to proudly announce that the Questing Quill is going GREEN!

The Barony of Loch Salann's monthly newsletter will now be available as a digital PDF for those who prefer to go paperless.  

The cost is just $3.00 a year.  Yes, that's right, just 25 cents per copy!

You can still purchase a regular one year subscription at the incredibly low price of just $15.00 per year (which in our current economy is a bargain since this barely covers ink and postage.)

And for those enterprising entrepreneurs, we also sell advertising space in our newsletter.  Just send me an email for pricing.  

If you have any questions, comments, or art/articles you would like to submit, please feel free to contact me at zemlar at yahoo.com.

Yours in Service,
Lady Zafirah Tahreer Bint Al Riyah
Chronicler, Barony of Loch Salann  MKA: Erika Andrach


"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees"


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