[Artemisia] Playing of the Prize announcement - Whipping Winds

Gene Mealey rapierfighter at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 1 23:59:23 CDT 2010

Greetings All!

As His Lordship's Second, I am honored to announce the following:

BE IT KNOWN to all that profess arms in the honorable Art of
Rapier that Their Majesties Daman -King of Artemisia and Veronique -Queen of
Artemisia have commanded that their subject His Lordship Albion Robynsson shall
play his prize for admittance into the honorable Order of the Defenders of the
White Scarf.    He is hereby given leave
and license to play his prize against all comers in their subtle and mystery at
these weapons:  Rapier, Rapier &
Buckler, Rapier & Dagger, Rapier & Cape, and Brace of Rapier.  His Lordship Albion will be present the 28th
day of August AS XLV at the event known as Whipping Winds in the Shire of
Windegate to perform an do to his utter most for the achievement and bearing
away of the prize.

God Save The Queen!

Baron Antoine de Bueil 
7th Baron of Sentinels' Keep

"The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be."



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