[Artemisia] Fwd: New changes/rules approved

Asheel Terestini ashe_el at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 26 22:33:22 CDT 2011

Along this same line, I would love to see more classes or discussions around

fighting traditions, (even traditions in general) that have been lost or
forgotten.  We pride ourselves on re-creating the best of medieval history
but more times than I care to count we have lost OUR history, OUR traditions
as a Kingdom and as a Society.  Even from 15 years ago I see a huge
difference in the way we play now vs. then and I can only think it has to do
with us losing those that knew what the traditions were.

Host a round table.  It's amazing how many stories come up.  :) 
have a recorder handy and post the stories on the kingdom/baronial website so that we all may have the chance to read. 
What about a small pamphlet of memoirs of the kingdom/barony to purchase? 

I have definite opinions about gear, hell I'd love to teach a class on *Why
Period Shoes are Better* or *Why you should wear LESS armor *but I doubt
anyone would listen lol. 

Present the class.  You will be surprised to see how many will come and listen.  

What about starting a portfolio of what you'd like your armor to look like or the ideas of wants, just to strive for something more authentic? I am amazed with the ideas and how focused people become when I asked them to do this for ideas for clothing.

What about a having something special as a prize during tourneys for the peanut gallery to vote on the best dressed fighter?  Covering armor doesn't have to be expensive, but it's the greatness of imagination that holds us back sometimes.


** Thanks Rogue, now you have me thinking on a class I've put off constructing for a while now.  I needed this push to get it moving.

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