[Artretinue] test

Teri.Smith@mpls.frb.org Teri.Smith@mpls.frb.org
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 12:53:14 -0700

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Greetings everyone,

Just a note to see if you all are receiving and I am sending. I'm going to 
St. Pyres in Cote du Ciel (Logan, UT) this weekend leaving sometime Friday 
morningish anyone is welcome to come and I will be going to Spring Thaw in 
Twae Linnes the weekend after, leaving after work that Friday ,any are 
welcome to come. I do need one person as Lady Katarina has a birthday 
party to throw.  The next event after that is Crown Tourney. Is there 
anyone who *can't* make it to that event. I will be going up, again after 
work that Friday and anyone is welcome to come with. I would like everyone 
to be able to sit down with His Majesty and Myself at that event and have 
a collective discussion of what every is doing and so all of you can meet 
each other as I know many of you don't know each other. My computer is 
still dead, hopefully I can try one thing this week. So, you are all 
welcome to e-mail me here at work if you need to. I can get phone calls if 
you need, but it is a communal dept. phone so I can't have long 
conversations. Guess that's it. I will hopefully get my schedule for this 
reign typed up sent to you all today along with the contact list for all 
of you. Thanks


Sultana Artemisia
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Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Greetings everyone,</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Just a note to see if you all are receiving and I am sending. I'm going to St. Pyres in Cote du Ciel (Logan, UT) this weekend leaving sometime Friday morningish anyone is welcome to come and I will be going to Spring Thaw in Twae Linnes the weekend after, leaving after work that Friday ,any are welcome to come. I do need one person as Lady Katarina has a birthday party to throw. &nbsp;The next event after that is Crown Tourney. Is there anyone who *can't* make it to that event. I will be going up, again after work that Friday and anyone is welcome to come with. I would like everyone to be able to sit down with His Majesty and Myself at that event and have a collective discussion of what every is doing and so all of you can meet each other as I know many of you don't know each other. My computer is still dead, hopefully I can try one thing this week. So, you are all welcome to e-mail me here at work if you need to. I can get phone calls if you!
 need, but it is a communal dept. phone so I can't have long conversations. Guess that's it. I will hopefully get my schedule for this reign typed up sent to you all today along with the contact list for all of you. Thanks</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Shajara</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Sultana Artemisia</font>
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