[Blgspops] News for December, part two

Jacquie Ziegler shauna at bresnan.net
Wed Nov 26 19:04:39 CST 2014

December is almost here!

Here's the revised schedule for rehearsals and performances:

Dec 4 - Rehearsal at Scottish Rite, 514 14th St West, 7:00 pm

Dec 11 - Rehearsal at St Luke's (usual place), 7:00 pm - hopefully with 
at least some of the singers

Dec 12 - Tech/Dress Rehearsal at Alberta Bair Theater, 7:00 pm
     Need a headcount by the end of dress rehearsal to ensure enough 
food for the after-concert party.

     We won't have the use of the Opera/Symphony stand lights this year, 
so every one needs to be thinking about getting their own. The 
battery-powered ones are not horribly expensive - $25 or so, generally - 
and if you can't find a music stand light, the clip-on book lights work 
just as well.

Dec 14 - Performance at Alberta Bair Theater. Performance starts at 3:00 
pm, Orchestra needs to be arriving by 2:00 pm at the latest

Dec 14 - After-concert dinner hosted by the Shrine Chanters, to be held 
at the AutoWest car dealership, 2209 Central Avenue.

That's it for the full concert schedule for December. We'll be on 
holiday break from Dec 14 to Jan 8. During that break, the board and 
music committee will be scheduling meetings to consider our Spring 
calendar and what to play for Spring.

That's it for now - everyone stay safe and warm, drive carefully, and 
enjoy the turkey!


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