[Blgspops] Spring concert dates query

Jacquie Ziegler shauna at bresnan.net
Fri Jan 17 12:12:56 CST 2014

Greetings everyone!

Okay, we need to really settle on a day/date/place for our Spring Concert.


Thursday, May 8 or May 15 - venue would be St Luke's, since we are 
'booked' there already.
     Evening performance starting at 7:30 pm. Cookie/bake sale 
afterwards as a fundraiser for the Red Lodge Music Festival scholarship 

Saturday, May 10 or May 17 - venue choice of St Luke's or the new 
Community Room at the
new Library.
     Afternoon performance starting anywhere from 1 to 3 pm, depending 
on room availability and other schedules. If we go to the library (an 
early favorite for venue based on minimal commentary so far), there is a 
kitchen attached so we could do the same sort of cookie/bake sale as a 
fundraiser, depending on permissions from the library (need to look into 

I need a clear consensus by the 30th of Jan - two rehearsals from now - 
so we can make good solid preparations in planning.

You can reply to this group email or privately to me, or talk to me at 
rehearsal the next two weeks.

Thanks for everyone's attention to this matter.

Jacquie Ziegler

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