[Blgspops] May 25 concert - seating and dress

shauna at bresnan.net shauna at bresnan.net
Tue May 16 21:14:42 CDT 2017

	So, we tried it on the stage last week and it seemed to work out
okay. There was enough room left for the expected 1st Violins and
Randy back with the French Horn. 

	We'll be up on the stage again this week to fine-tune positions. 

	For the concert itself, we'll need people to show up by 6 pm if at
all possible so we can get things situated, including putting out
chairs for our audience. Please factor this into your schedule for the
25th. I'll have the church open in plenty of time. 

	Dress for the concert - two options, we can decide this week. 

	Option one - Black bottoms and 'spring colors' for tops - colorful
choice left to individuals. Idea is for a look suitable for the

	Option two - Black bottoms and white tops with bow ties. Cathy Fiene
(Cello) says she has close to a dozen different ones that she will
bring this week for loanders. Idea is for a crisp, together look. 

	Jacquie Ziegler 


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