[Ek_fiber] My intro

Diane Sawyer Dooley tasha_medvedeva at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 26 22:46:57 CDT 2005

Hi, I'm Tasha.  I live in Canton of the Towers in the
Fair Barony of Carolingia (undanely, Lawrence, MA).

I learned to knit when I was a kid from one of my
grandmothers.  I don't remember which one, or how old
I was, but I can't remember not knowing how.  My
paternal grandmother also taught my to sew, embroider,
and cross-stitch.  I gave up knitting for years and
years, though, because I was using acrylic yarn and
pulling my stitches too tight, so I couldn't get the
needle into the stitch, which frustrated me, and...   

I learned to spin something like 4 years ago, from a
campmate at Pennsic.  Then a friend sent me a knitting
care package, I got some wool yarn, and I was off and
running.  I now own two spinning wheels (a Kromski
Mazurka and an Ashford Joy), and I don't know how many
sets of knitting needles.  I'm never without a project
of some sort involving string.  I'm also a charter
member of the Worshipful Company of Narrowworkers.

I'm sort of on hiatus from the SCA, though, because
I'm deploying to Iraq in a week or so.  The top of my
footlocker is packed with yarn and fiber and needles
and spindles, though, so I'll never be without
something to do!

So anyway, that's me...


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