[EKStationers] PaperMaking in Owlsherst!

Dianne & Greg Stucki goofy1 at suscom.net
Wed Apr 19 12:49:01 CDT 2006

On June 24th, there will be a PaperMaking Day at my home in Owlsherst 
(mundanely York PA.) I've never made paper before either, so this will 
definitely be a case of the blind leading the blind, but I think we're going 
to have a great time!

A more complete list of supplies will be forthcoming soon, but here's a 
quickie idea of what will be needed.

Old wooden embroidery hoops or even picture frames can be used to hold the 
screening. We're going to be using all kinds of stuff for materials: paper 
of course, thread scraps, fabric scraps, vegetable matter, even dryer lint! 
Bring something you think would make cool paper. Wear clothes that can get 
messy, because we will. If you have an old sacrificial blender to bring, I 
will be forever grateful. I plan on hitting Sal's and Goodwill to see what I 
can find there, but extras are always good.
Bring a dish for a potluck lunch. Kids are MORE than welcome--let's start em 
out young!
Parking is limited. Car pools are a happy thing.

No spare beds, but if you need crash space, we can always find room for 
sleeping bags. I have kids and birds who are early risers, so you have been 
warned. :-)

Gasoline--$3.00 a gallon
Fabic and paper scraps--less than $10.00
A day of playing in the sunshine to make a completely unique piece of 

Laurensa de Chambord 

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