[EKStationers] Greetings from a fellow artisan

lindafowens at netzero.com lindafowens at netzero.com
Thu Jan 24 10:09:51 CST 2013

Greetings from a once and future  SCA member.  My husband and I reside in the Barony of the Bridge; Exeter, RI to be exact.    We were active in some of the activities when our sons, who are now in their 40's, were in their teens and enamored of the Middle Ages.  We helped with the Florentine Faire, bought some books from El of the Two Knives, watched Feral compete in battle, chatted a lot with Baroness Elspeth, and learned about Period Garb from her and also  Baroness Sally Tschanz-Dwyer at URI.  Sometimes we sold our batik wall hangings (a period craft in parts of the world).  We collected metal and wooden objects at yard sales, and spent three years at the War of the Roses, where our sons and their friends built rafts and tried to shoot archery targets (they were deemed too young to compete in battle, but they had made many padded weapons).  Our First for the War was cooking--all day-- a large marinated roast hung over a fire in a macrame bag--yum!  Currently, our grandchildren have shown an interest in SCA events, and we plan to attend the Black Rose Ball.     My fashionista d-i-l thinks she may own a used History of Fashion book once perused by Marion Zimmer Bradley at the Berkeley, CA Library.  Our oldest grandson, 14, makes chain mail.
   Anyway, my interests are in art, music, and writing, not necessarily period.  But I have made lots of paper, woodcuts, and handmade books.  Some were shown in local galleries or in NYC-- a long while ago--well, maybe 20 years ago.  I stopped making many of the art projects that used deadly chemicals, as I gradually became allergic to them, so I concentrated on non-toxic art, esp. teaching children.  I am also a fiber artist, with weaving (including inkle looms, card looms), braiding, knitting, and crochet--are the latter period?  I play the recorder quite well, and a few stringed instruments and percussion not as well.  I own a shawm, but need to learn how to make reeds.  I am writing to you on a non-period machine, on which I've put out a sorta weekly newsletter to friends and family since 2000--I think I may have invented the blog.  
   I hope to meet many of you in the coming months.  Our family (at least 6 of us) is hoping to attend the Black Rose Ball, but I am afraid my sewing skills may not create any fine costumes for my husband and myself in time--we always used summer wear, and the garments  may be a bit tatty, but we were never royalty.  In this weather, we may arrive in REI undergarnents.
Linda Owens  I will have to make up a new SCA name, as I can't recall the old one.

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