[Artemisia] Glory

shilo11 at mail.com shilo11 at mail.com
Mon Dec 22 19:54:15 CST 2003

Greetings unto the fair Ellen,

> Glory is traditionally held over 4th of July weekend in Buford Wyoming, which is in the Barony of Unser Hafen. They haven't 
>published any information on the event yet, but you could call or email the senechal or other officers to confirm the status of the 

Yes, this is the one, and I will certainly contact them. Barony of Unser Hafen, good people!

> An Tir and the Outlands have agreed that if we actually get this Northern War up and running, they will cancel their traditional 4th 
>of July events in order to participate in it.  However, I'm sure they won't change their calendars until we actually make the event 

Yes, the logistics could be a problem: Boise sounds good as it is closer to the An Tir as well as Avacal, and from what I 
understand we support Celtic Revolt and Quad War, they might likely be inclined to support an interkingdom event over 4th of July 
in Idaho.  It would also be far enough in advance to avoid conflict with Pennsic. (Darn, did I just talk myself into that 28 hour drive 
anyway?!) I am unsure of what we supported over in the Outlands other than Glory.

Yup, I'd go to Idaho and even sit troll midnight to 2 am, then stroll security/parking 2am to 4am to facilitate this event.  My husband 
is looking over my shoulder and he said that he would put in time both places as well.

We are in for the long haul....however, it is noted that the final decision rests with those that are willing to host. Wherever it lands 
we'll help, and do the best we can. So... that's two, anybody else?!

> I hope this helps,
> Ellen

Sure did help, thanks!

Ro & Magnus of Falkirk
Silver Keep
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