[Artemisia] Summary, if I may (court posts)

Theodora (AKA Rachael) ladythea at myway.com
Tue Mar 16 18:27:41 CST 2004

Greetings, all.
I am not sure how we got so far afield from the question I posed about Kingdom Traditions, but this has been thought provoking in its' own right.  

If I may be so bold as to summarize what I have gotten from this discussion:

At the end of all of this, I have concluded that there are things I can do as a populace member to make court more enjoyable for myself and others.  I can be more succinct when I am called up in court.  I can consider if my announcements/presentations need to be made in open court or should be done in private.  I can keep my off-color comments to myself.  I can get to court early to get a good seat if I really want to hear what is going on.  I can be on time.  I can sit in the back if I feel fidgity or if I am watching a child who is young and likely to be bored. I can be respectful of those who are giving of their time and efforts to entertain, herald, or sit in the thrones.

I feel like I am responsible for my actions in this circumstance.  I have done a lot of the things that people have mentioned as disruptive or unenjoyable.  I have also been at some amazingly fun courts - some royalty are more formal than others, and I try to know which are which.  I certainly have had my eyes open to things that I forget about sometimes.



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