[Artemisia] Re: Heraldic Question (a response)

tangl tangl at myway.com
Sat Mar 20 20:29:40 CST 2004

 Hey y'all! My goodness, Sir Daniel! If you WANTED to meet the future Laurel Sovereign, you could have asked for an introduction! ;) I can't say this is the best way to get on a lady's good side, but it works as a foot in the door. At least you've got her attention. I could restate every argument placed here before you, but that just wouldn't be polite. I'm sure you can read those missives as easily as the rest of us, and are, no doubt, following this thread with great interest because you got the discussion going in this direction. I *can* say a couple things and, being me, I will.First, I will point out that, like anyone wearing any crown, the weight of the actual crown is its own reward, and its own discipline. Everybody I know that has ever worn a crown or is currently wearing a crown will tell you the things are pretty heavy and some of them are down-right uncomfortable. The Laurel Sov Crown is one of those things: beautiful, steeped in symbolism and packin' the weight of the *entire office* in it's very structure. They do that on purpose, because the bearing of a crown is a bloody heavy thing to do. The Laurel Sovereign office is full of a lot of responsibility and, unlike the regional crowns of baronial and kingdom status, this one takes the punch for the entire SCA College of Arms. It needs to prepare you to take the negative press from every single person out there that has had a name or device bounce. It reminds you to treat people well, on every level, at every turn, or face the consequences of resentment and ire from a rather impressive number of people. Daniel, remember when you got that chain? Remember the way it felt when they took all the weight of your actions from off your shoulders, and put them around your neck and your waist? How many times have you been held accountable beyond any measure because you were packin' that peerage? How often have the actions of others reflected upon you because you are part of the same Order? How many times have you sat down and thought to yourself about something you've done, wondering if it was the right thing for a knight to do? That's the purpose of those pieces of regalia. Back in 1990, someone wearing a crown of her own thought enough about the responsibilty of the Laurel Sovereign to give them that reminder, and from what I know about the LS Crown, it is as uncomfortable to wear as it is beautiful. And I saw the pics. It's stunning. It's also badly in need of repair, heavy as hell and insured like Garbo's legs. Rather a lot like the office it represents. So, the LS Crown is very much it's own punishment, and actually, doesn't need to be worn more than once during an induction ceremony to get that response. Now, I ain't the one who's studied the list and apparel practices of every LS to have the Crown, so I can't say they wear it only that one time. I do know that the ones I've talked to have specifically said it is too heavy and too valuable to wear more than once. It's like wearing the Hope Diamond to the grocery store. One scratch, one forgotten crown box at an event, one time where your car gets robbed, and you're very much in trouble. It serves as the reminder not to screw up this office, because it effects a metric ton of lives, and future lives. Did you know the LS can't even consult a person about their name or device, even a little bit, because they are Laurel Sovereign? It can be seen as a ruling. If Shauna were to tell someone their device should pass just fine, they can then say that Laurel Sovereign said their device passes, and they could be right. Then, anything not accurate or contrary that the LS missed because that particular aspect of heraldry wasn't their forte would cause a ripple that could rewrite every Rule for Submission out there. It takes the herald out of that one-on-one place and makes them ultimately responsible for every device that comes their way, or ever will. That's why I see that Crown is such a big reminder. Sounds as though you and Scruffy had numerous discussions about stuff. Perhaps I should introduce you to another tradition
  he inspired. It's this question I ask people who are Peers, or about to become peers. I'd love to sit and discuss it with you! ;D At your service,Tanglwyst

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