[Artemisia] Seeking Bids for A&S!!!
"julia.jackman-brink" at umontana.edu
Mon May 10 12:06:44 CDT 2004
Greetings and well met!!!
The Arts and Sciences needs your help and support.
We are desperatley in need of bids for our events. There are three
events on our Kingdom calendar that support our artisans and provide
learning platforms for our populace.
Kingdom Collegia (August 1st weekend for 2004/2005)
Kingdom Competition (November 1st weekend for 2004/2005)
Regionals/Gryphon's Prize (two bids needed for May 1st Weekend 2005)
As of Today, we have received NO bids for the rest of this year or for
next year. If no bids are receivied then an event may not happen and I
would rather not entertain a cancellation notice. Collegia is the event
being in the most in danger. Thus, the artisans need your help.
There are many groups that have not held a Kingdom level event in years.
In hopes of garnering a bid from groups that may not think they can hold
a Kingdom event, I'd like to offer the following for the Arts and Sciences:
1. Holding an A&S event is an easy job. Only an event steward and a site
are needed as the Office of the Kingdom MOAS takes care of ALL the A&S
related stuff.
2. Sites for Collegia can be indoor or camping and the event can run
from one to two days in length. Again the Kingdom Office takes care of
organzing all the A&S and Class related details. **In theory there
should be a deputy officer in there soon whose job will be to coordinate
the class details. (That job is open so interested people should contact
the KMOAS directly.)**
Some notes on A&S sites:
A typical site for Competitions should have a large hall or an areas
large enough to accommidate 100 people or 20 tables and chairs, one or
two side rooms or a place for the populace to hang out or take classes.
Lunches and Feasts are nice but not required. If a dry site is used, an
off site location for brewing entries should be available. This can be a
personal residence.
Collegias need a moderately sized hall with an extra 5-7 "rooms" for
classes. Examples of past sites have been convention centers or schools
but local service organizations will sometimes workable setups for rent.
If doing a camping event, these rooms can be pavillions or encampments
with picnic tables if the weather permits. There are many groups with
large pavillions which they may loan, it just takes some footwork. (see
Uprising for an example.) If using a school or other indoor site there
should be an Event Steward and/or onsite coordinator to work with the
Kingdom Staff. Feasts are again optional.
Kingdom War Practice has been scheduled to run following all arts and
sciences events. Access to a suitable site for practice should be made
with the local Knight Marshal and included in your writeup.
SUBMITTING A BID: Kingdom bids need to have the following information,
and should be sent to the Seneschal, Crown, Heirs, Appropriate Kingdom
Officer (in this case MOAS) and the Kingdom Exchequer:
Hosting Group
Event Staff Listing (Steward, etc.)
Description of Site and Ammenities
Event Budget (cost to hold event, feast what have you)
Sample writeup for publication to the Sage Advice
Again, hosting and A&S event is an EASY job. Please talk to your groups
and consider hosting an A&S event!! Bids are being taken for 2004 AND
2005 so people should have time to lock in sites and get information.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you or your group need
more information. THANK YOU for your interest. I look forward to talking
to you about the Arts and Sciences happening in your local area.
In service;
Baroness Juliana
Kingdom Minister for the Arts and Sciences
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