[Artemisia] Second Open Letter Re:Ibrahim and Ileana and the BoD

Allen Hall earlalan at srv.net
Sun Aug 21 19:09:09 CDT 2005

Greetings Artemisia, and Sir Dan in far away An Tir,

Sir Dan said:  " As it stands now, and I hate to disagree with His Grace 
Alan, but I must
 respectfully do so, if you wait passively while the BoD and the Society
 Seneschal work this out without providing your input, it will be too late 
 do anything AFTER Ibrahim and Ileana are sanctioned."

In my letter I said:  "In fact, ALL of this is second hand, and is normal in 
situations like
 this, facts are omitted.  If you have concerns then contact the BoD 
directly.  If you have
questions, contact the "players" directly.  Otherwise, most of us aren't 
informed enough to
have an opinion is this situation."

In spite of Sir Dan's efforts to bring this situation forward to view, 
unless everyone takes the time to contact all the players directly as he 
did, then you have no reasonable basis to have much of opinion in this 
particular situation.  As both Sir Dan and I have said, if you are 
concerned, contact the BoD directly, but civily.  Remember, BoD members are 
also SCA players.  I've known several through the years, and I consider at 
least one of the present BoD members a good and valued friend, who has ruled 
as King and is no stranger to the BoD vs Medieval side of the SCA house. 
Give them all the consideration that you would expect if you were in their 

Like Forrest Gump said, that's all I have to say about that.



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