[Artemisia] Sage cover art

HL Isabeau de Sevingy badsquire at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 16:27:23 CST 2005

Holy Odin!
We've got misinterpretations and misunderstandings flying around our heads, everybody duck!
Honestly, I don't think anyone has said anything snarky yet. So I really think chastizing folks for asking questions and making comments is a bit premature. We haven't had a flame war yet.
Lets see if I got this right...
His Maj said 'please submit, we don't have anything'
Malkin said 'lets compete against each other and have LOTS of submissions available to pick from'
I said 'what kind of submission formats are cool?'
Julianna said 'hey, in the past folks have been turned down, so saying that there are no submissions now may be a symptom of something deeper'
and then more folks said more stuff and accusations of snarkiness started flying around.
For the record, I stopped submitting artwork, because PREVIOUS (read "not Freydis") chroniclers insisted on 'promising' to use a transparency, only to get their hands on my artwork. Then they'd scan it. The result is that hours and hours of tedious and difficult ink work turned into icky globs of embarrassment for me, spread across four states. So... I stopped submitting. If Freydis is willing to use a pre-formated-just-place-on-copier-and-press-play old school transparency, then I WILL submit again. No question. (I even tried signing the waiver as a one-time-use-negated-by-scanning contract and they did it anyhow.) So, there we are. Has nothing to do with Freydis, only leaves a bad taste in my mouth and requires an answer before I'll submit again.
As for other comments about the appropriateness or worthiness of Lord Aaron di Paladins artwork, I will only say the following. It takes hardwork and guts to repeatedly put forth your love (and artwork IS love) for other people to view. I appreciate all his hard work and devoted service. However, as a woman, I'd really prefer to see another style of work be attempted. I really do get enough of the big-breasted objectification of women (of course, objectification of big-breasted women could also be used) on a daily basis. Being a big-breasted woman myself, maybe I am more sensitive to it, but the SCA has more than it's fair share of large women. At any rate, Aarons work is skillfully done and I am sure that his talents are wider than we've been lead to believe. I for one, would like to see what else he can do.
To quote Forrest Gump...
that's all I have to say about that.
HL Isabeau de Sevingy

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