[Artemisia] books & crazy idea

Reuben and Arwen reuben_arwen at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 24 12:24:55 CST 2006

    I'm very sad now!  Will you come back and visit now and again? :(
  I may just get smacked for even suggesting this, being a greedy bibliophile myself, but how about donating the books to the Kingdom to start a Artemisian Lending Library?  I'd volunteer to store them & keep a data base, then we could mail them at the borrowers expense, or send them with someone to events for delivery.  I'm sure we all have used SCA related books/media laying around that could be donated.  It wouldn't cost the Kingdom a thing.  Wadda ya think?  Arwen/Esther
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:09:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Bruce Padget 
Subject: [Artemisia] Books, books, books
To: LochSalann at yahoogroups.com, arrowsflight at yahoogroups.com,
artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org
Message-ID: <20060223210936.77197.qmail at web36514.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
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As some may have heard, Mistress Maryam and I will be
be leaving for Caid in the nearish future.

We'll be living in much less room than we've been used
to. We've both amassed fairly large book collections,
much of which we refer to rarely or never.

So...at the next few Loch Salann arms practices, we'll
be bringing a bin or three of books. You may find our
tastes odd and eclectic (or just plain bat**** crazy),
but probably not dull. If we charge for any of the
volumes, the charge will be minimal. We'll also
include a few audiobooks and VHS movies.

I also anticipate that we'll be doing much the same
with some fabrics and gaming supplies in a couple of

Abbastanza Buon Non E Abbastanza Buono
bapadget at yahoo.com

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