L.J. Richards xrichards at montana.com
Sun Mar 19 12:44:23 CST 2006

Spring greetings to all -

This missive is a mass 'mea culpa' because I forgot to thank some very 
important people last night during Court!

My heartfelt thanks to all the judges and 'score counters' who helped make 
our Arts & Science Competition happen.  They are:

    Iduna, Amina, Gefjon, Morgan, Deidre, Ygrainne, Renee, Anya, Bjorn, 
Judith, Deterick, Caintarin, Eli, Yori, Marco, Juro, Juliana, Corisande, 
Katya, and Damian.  (May I have spelled your names correctly and I left off 
your 'appellations' since when you judge and/or help with scoring you are 
acting on an equal basis.) (At least that's how I think of it.)

Any errors or omissions are mine alone.  If any participant in the 
competition has any questions regarding their scores or comments received, 
please let me know.  A&S at whatever level and wherever it happens is always 
a learning process for everyone (just ask me now that I have had a night's 
sleep and my morning tea....ha).

The Baronial Champion _and_ Overall Champion is one of our newer members, 
m'lady Vigdis (k/m/a Vickie).  Congratulations to a well-deserved honor. 
And thank you again to all of the participants - great jobs!

Thank you all!!

Yours in service,
HE Bronwen of Irenwold, M.O.A.S. 

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