[Artemisia] The King & Queen's command

L.J. Richards richardslj at bresnan.net
Fri Apr 20 15:19:17 CDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Baron Arnhold" <bnbarnhold at yahoo.com>
**** > ....prepare for the wooded heavy fighter battles, the roving rapier 
rouge tournament, the many archery shoots.....>****

My dearest Baron,
I (who thought she had attended all the different tournaments of any import) 
have never heard of, nor had the pleasure of. attending a roving rapier 
"rouge" tournament"!  I shall see to my schedule and mayhap be able to 
attend such a colorful display of fashionistas.  (That is correct, is it 
not?)  (Hmmm, I know the my schedule is around here somewhere....  Drat it, 
one would think that my servant could at least put it where I could find it. 
Oh well, I'll keep looking.)

Ah yes, I do have one wee quesiton:  Is "rouge" tournament where all wear 
red?  pink?  coral?  A combination?  Knowing that a rapier tournament is so 
much about "style", I just wanted to be sure that I would be in an 
appropriate color that would not clash with those who pursue the more 
stylish eric art.  (All right, you in the back, yeah, you wearing the torn 
t-tunic with last year's grand feast still festooned about the front of it, 
this is not a laughing matter.  Geeezzzz).

Well!  As I was saying, my dear Baron, do let me know abougt the "rouge" 

Waiting with dyepot in hand,
Yours ever so faithfully,
HE Bronwen of Irenwold

(And if you in the back have, for reasons unknown, taken affront at my most 
polite comment ((because I would never be anything less than polite)), I can 
always have one of my champions 'discuss' the situation with you.  Do keep 
in touch.  YIS, HE Bronwen) 

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