[Artemisia] Baron's War A & S Competition

Richard & Florence Evans rcfaevans at Comcast.net
Sat Aug 4 19:06:08 CDT 2007

Please cross-post to any who might be interested . . .

Greetings, Gentles
    I apologize for the lateness of my posting, but mundane comittments had to take priority immediately upon my return from Baron's War.
    Thank you to all of the artisans who entered their works and the judges who gave of their time and expertise.  I think the competition went very well and I hope all who participated or viewed the displayed items were pleased.  And the winners were . . .

Category 1 - Paper - HL Jaquelinne de Radonvilliers - Key Cross Scroll
Category 2 - Cotton - Lady Ellisif Sleggja - Tablet Woven Trim
Category 3 - Leather - no entries
Category 4 - Linen, Silk or Flowers - Lady Sumayya bint Suleiman - Almoner's Purse
Category 5 - Wood - Bjorn Hrafnsen Ohnstad - Carved Game Board
Category 6 - Candy or Iron - HL Ivegard - Renaissance Dessert Candy
Category 7 - Copper or Wool - Jennet Muir de Brechin - Knitted Shawl
Category 8 - Bronze - no entries
Category 9 - Pottery - Rachied ahmed Omar - Mugs
Category 10 - Tin - HL Giliana Attewatyr - Griffon Round Pin

Grand Prize - HL Jaquelinne de Radonvilliers - Key Cross Scroll
Her Majesty's Choice - Jennet Muir de Brechin - Wood-cut Print
Her Excellency Nisa's Choice - Bjorn Hrafnsen Ohnstad - Carved Game Board
Her Excellency Bianca's Choice - Lady Johanna Kathrijn die Waeyer - Embroidered Garb

(I apologize for any misspelled names or incorrect titles.)

The A & S war point went to the Barony of Gryphon's Lair.
Congratulations to all the winners!

Lady Anna de Brabant


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