[Artemisia] corrected corrected directions to PRll

Redhawk sca_redhawk at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 7 15:30:24 CDT 2007

I forgot the directions from the other directions.. geeze.

Greetings all..
  Goggle maps blew the site directions when Lady Kinga wrote up the annoucement.  They were incorrect.  The correct directions are:
 From Helen drive towards Towsend.  A&W will be on your left.  Turn right and drive across Rail Road Tracks. If coming from Townsend A&W will be on your right, then take a left.  Stay on this road.  There is a huge Red and Stone Barn you can not miss.  Please take second entrance.  SCA signs will be posted.
  Thank you,
  Lady Redhawk

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