[Artemisia] Smalls vs. ???

BECKY LEISHMAN leishman10 at msn.com
Thu Aug 9 08:08:53 CDT 2007

Greetings Stephanie.

Yay, you win the brownie points for digging up references.... 

Personally, I don't care one way or the other what people call children as long as they are looked afte and someone wipes their little noses from time to time (evil grin goes here). 

When I first started playing in the SCA I noticed that folks referred to a lot of things rather differently and it took me a little while to figure out what they were referring to, example far speaker for a telephone, and a bunch of others that I don't remember.  Odd I thought, but if that's how they play their game, who am I to question it or take away their fun by correcting them.

Would I be offended if someone referred to my child (or to be 'correct' as to the young people that accompany me to events and such - grandchild) as 'small' absolutely not. Would they be offended being called that?  Don't think so. If they were, I would be correcting them, not the speaker of the word and explain what it means to some people.  Would I use the term in reference to my grandchildren, probably not... one of these days, I might reference them as wee bairns (however that is spelled)... but not just yet. 

Would I hand someone a phone if they asked for a far speaker?  Probably not, but that's only because I don't carry a cell phone ;0)

Have a happy day everyone

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