[Artemisia] Scribal night

Valerie Scarbrough vscarbrough at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 9 21:31:38 CDT 2007

-----Original Message-----
From:	"Valerie Scarbrough" <vscarbrough at hotmail.com>
Sent:	Friday, August 10, 2007 2:20 AM
To:	"No Reply" <notify-dg-gryphonslairbarony at yahoogroups.com>
Subject:	Scribal night

Just a reminder/invitation to join me at our Baronial scribal night.  This will be held tomorrow, Friday the 10th at Bethany and Vilhelm's house 864 24th street in Ogden.  It will start at 6 and end whenever  we want to.
Bring your supplies or just yourselves. I will have plenty of supplies to share with any who need them.  We will be working on scrolls for upcoming events, scroll blanks and whatever else you want to work on.  There is plenty of room so come and join us even if you just want to watch for now. 

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