[Artemisia] Smalls and language

Bruce Padget bapadget at pop.mail.yahoo.com
Sat Aug 11 01:47:54 CDT 2007

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 16:36, Jacquie Ziegler wrote:

> *Sniff* I thought you liked me! But, if Master Bruce 'I wrote the book'
> Draconarius got you to submit stuff, who am I to argue! :-D

Have your ever had Bruce give you the big puppy dog eyes?  They really 
should be banned...

> Lovely arms, btw - and the paperwork is already in my hands so nothing
> will go wrong! You only THOUGHT that you could escape me! bwahahaha!
> (insert evil herald laugh).

It was a fun process - I gave Bruce a couple of elements I wanted, told 
him I wanted it to be so simple that a trained chimp could draw it with 
simple drafting tools, and ten minutes of brainstorming later, there it 

Yes, there are many heralds who could have accomplished the same thing.  
But they don't have those anime eyes!  He even convinced me to submit my 
current name.  After having (quite by accident!) probably registered a 
title, I hadn't wanted to press my luck.


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