[Artemisia] personal note

rayzentz at aim.com rayzentz at aim.com
Sat Aug 11 12:22:04 CDT 2007

Greetings, all Nobles and denizens of the beloved Kingdom of Artemesia, and lurkers beyond...

There are some in the Kingdom who take the things I say way, way?too seriously.?? Please do not make this mistake.

I LOVE to play devil's advocate.?? It is a tool I use daily in my teaching.?? I dig, sometimes, to get responses, and to get people to think.? It is never in an attempt to offend, although sometimes people choose to be offended.?? And please, while I may disagree with a particular view, I am NEVER offended by it, or any defense of it.?? In fact, I daresay that with the exception of a very small number of people (small being an adjective defining?numbers, not size ;-)), it would be near impossible to offend me in any way.?? (Those of you who may view that as a challenge, well, lay on...)?? Your opinions of me would have to matter to me much more than they do... no offense? ;-)

When I am serious, it is to clarify things I do not understand, or to plant a line in the sand that I will not cross.

Usually, however, I am not serious.?? When I am, you will know.? I will tell you.?? My signature will be prefaced by my title, as in "Lord Padruig McTavish".?? If the "Lord" part isn't there, I am having fun.?? You can play with me, or not, as you wish.

I love this game we all play, and while all may choose to play it more or less seriously than others, it is still a game, a frolic, an entertainment.?? We just choose to do it together, and actively, rather than vicariously.?? So I say, "Bring on the Entertainment!"

Lord Padruig McTavish
Bard of Arrows' Flight

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