[Artemisia] just picking nits, ignore if you aren't picky

rayzentz at aim.com rayzentz at aim.com
Wed Aug 29 17:06:04 CDT 2007

Greetings, everyone,


Back online, after a brief hiatus, while we moved.?? Missed you all.


I did notice, in reading copious letters to catch up, that there seems to be some confusion on certain word usage.


??????????????? specifically, "populous", as opposed to "populace".


Populous is an adjective, describing numbers of something, generally people...

?"Arrows' Flight?is a very populous Shire, and continues to influence the surrounding area"


???? as opposed to...


Populace is a noun, and refers to the people in a group, village, or area specifically...

"The populace of Arrows' Flight continues to grow. We will assimilate you.?Resistance is futile."





Sorry, just the teacher in me rearing it's ugly head



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