[Artemisia] New Kingdom Rapier Marshal

Julia Jackman-Brink julia.jackman-brink at umontana.edu
Wed Jun 20 10:09:55 CDT 2007

OK, I am jumping in here late, crawling through the 456 messages in my 
mail box is taking a bit of time...not to mention I just got back online 
today...Welcome Azir!! If you need anything from me or my officers, 
please give me a shout. :)

rayzentz at aim.com wrote:

> While he can use the position title of "Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal", and I shall happily refer to him as such, in my neck of the woods, they are, and always will be, "boffers", or "boffer swords".   Those are perfectly acceptable words.   Political correctness be hanged!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and viewpoints, but when a 
directive comes down from above, those of us administrating those 
activities HAVE to comply, and direct others to do so as well. Times 
change. There are many PC-changes I don't particulary care for as an 
individual, but that's life. This one I happen to agree with...

If anyone wants to know WHY, one only has to look "boff" up in any 
modern slang dictionary. Being a distinct reference in many countries to 
sexual intercourse, it's not a good thing when tied to any activity 
where our children are involved...

As to what to call our children's weapons and equipment...There is 
nothing wrong with calling an item what it actually is.  A sword is a 
sword, a helm a helm...what they happen to be made of isn't really all 
that important, it's the context. If anything it will put everyone on 
the same footing and help to educate our youth in the proper terms and 
customs when they do eventually move up to adult heavy combat.

Kingdom Seneschal

P.S. Suggestions for a term, title or phrase to use for the Adult 
version of this activity are very welcome!! The more minds the 
merrier...or is that scarier? Hmmm...

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