[Artemisia] War Wagon Search

Dan Lind darthnapster at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 18:16:32 CDT 2007

Every last one of you guys rule.  Everyone's advice is really helping me
a ton.  I'm figuring out what to get now and stuff that might be good for
next time I'm shopping.  For now I'm zeroing in on the mid sized wagon
area.  Like a Protegee 5 or a Passat wagon.  If any body sees a good one
between 8 and 12 grand, send me a VIN # and I'll check it out.  As before, a
manual transmission is a must.

Thanks all,


Einarr the Christian, Son of Håkon, of the Great City Miklagard
Côte du Ciel
Known World
Mortal Coil
(MKA Dan Lind)

"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and
content with your knowledge."
- Elbert Hubbard

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