[Artemisia] Making Metal Crutches Look Period

vindulfr at aol.com vindulfr at aol.com
Fri Sep 28 14:33:09 CDT 2007

Lady Syeira,

Modern crutches (even wooden ones)?are pretty darn difficult to make look like anything other than modern crutches. Much like eyeglasses, braces on teeth, plaster casts, etc., they're a part of the modern world that many of us just tend to gloss over.

If you're seated, they can be discreetly tucked away. (They make a marvelous cloak rack when leaned against a wall or table.)

If you must move around, and cannot bear the thought of being seen on modern crutches, here's a suggestion: find yourself a simple, non-folding chair, two stout poles, and two sturdy companions. A quick bit of work with the poles and a fair amount of duct tape makes for a serviceable sedan chair, which can be 'beautified' by the addition of a simple blanket tossed over it. Your two sturdy companions can then transport you where you need to go in period style. Please note that for the best results, these two companions should be of roughly similar height.

My 'boys' once treated me to an impromptu sedan chair constructed of a wooden chair, two hardwood marshall's staves, and a full roll of tape. Of course, being a man of somewhat ... heroic ... stature, they opted for four chair bearers. This is where I learned the importance of equal heights (and sober bearers).However, before the inevitable horrible crash, it was said to be a wonderous sight.

Of course, it may be just as simple to find a pair of sturdy minions and have them simply carry you about.

I have seen people who were supposed to be on crutches making do by hobbling along with a good staff. I cannot in good conscience recommend this, however. Although wanting to be 'period', especially at a demo, is a noble goal, putting your health at risk is foolish at best.

Baron Haakon Haukarson

Possessor of only?one major joint that still works the way god intended

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Lady Syeira of Schattentor <ladysyeira at yahoo.com>


Arnhold <arnhold at yahoogroups.com>; Artemisia <artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org>; Schattentor <schattentor at yahoogroups.com>


[Artemisia] making Metal crutches look period


Thu, 27 Sep 2007 19:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

  As some on these lists know Arnhold has their VERY BIG demo Museum Come to 
Life this weekend. I am planning to attend but as of today I am on crutches. 
(Long story short I hurt my foot not broken that the Dr can see but the 
radiologist will say for sure)
  I am looking for ways to disguise my ugly metal crutches to make them look 
more period.
  I thought of wrapping them in fabric but as we are still unpacking fro our 
recent move that could be tricky...but not impossible.....
  Any other thoughts???


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