Anita Challis anitachallis at cox.net
Sun Aug 3 21:23:06 CDT 2008


The Principal Kingdoms for Estrella War  XXV (Atenveldt, Caid and Outlands)
are asking for ideas for armored combat and rapier scenarios to be included
in the Estrella War XXV Treaty.  To make it easy to send in suggestions, an
online "scenario submission" form is available on www.estrellawar.org 

Scenarios must be submitted by August 23, 2008 to be considered for the
Estrella War XXV (Feb 2009) Treaty.

To send in your scenario ideas, use the "Submit a combat scenario for the
Estrella War Treaty" link on the HOME page of www.estrellawar.org.

 "Normally, we ask that scenario suggestions be emailed or mailed to the
Principal Kingdom Crowns in August, so they can be considered for inclusion
in the first draft of the Treaty.  But we hope that having an online
submission form on the website will make it easier for people to send in
their ideas," said Duchess Katerina O'Callaghan, the Estrella War Treaty
Negotiations Coordinator. 

Rapier scenarios submitted through the website will be sent to the Principal
Kingdom Marshals of Fence for possible inclusion in the Treaty, and the
armored combat scenarios will be reviewed by the Principal Kingdom
Crowns/Heirs as they define the armored combat portion of the Treaty.

The Crowns/Heirs of all the Principal Kingdoms draft, negotiate, sign and
publish an Estrella War Treaty each year to define the medieval activities
and competitions held at that year's Estrella War.  This year, the treaty is
being drafted in late August/early September, so it can be negotiated,
finalized and signed at the October 18, 2008 Treaty Negotiation Meeting of
the Crowns/Heirs for the Kingdoms of Atenveldt, Caid and the Outlands.

Pre-registration is also open on the event website (www.estrellawar.org)!
If you're considering scheduling a winter vacation to attend the event next
year, start planning with the Estrella War website!  Estrella is now a week
full of Adventure in the Middle Ages.  Well worth the trip.


Dame Anita de Challis, OP

(Anita Challis)

SCA Internal Publicity for Estrella War XXV

anitachallis at cox.net


Estrella War XXV

25 years of Celebrating the Dream

February 9-16 2009



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