[Artemisia] St. Pyre's (site change)

geneva harline sgenevah at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 13:00:12 CDT 2008

Unto the noble populace of Artemisia,
    I am hereby extending the invitation for each of you to join in our merry-making at Sy. Pyre's.
  April 26, 2008
  Shire of Côte du Ciel
  Logan, UT
  St. Pyre's
  As the days get warmer, it is time again to celebrate the life and sacrifice of our beloved patron, St. Pyre. In keeping with traditions, we will honor him with a light-hearted celebration including heavy and rapier tournaments, and an A&S workshop and competition. The Heavy tourney's will be the traditional carrotnose, weird weapons, and bar room brawl as presented by HE Sir Landolph, the Rapier tourney's will be presented by Stephan McCale and Ulrik de la Rosa, cadets to Don Azir. The A&S competition will be presented by Lady Flora and will be illustrations of St. Pyre's in any medium (anything is allowed as long as you relate it to St. Pyre.)
  Lunch will be available for $4. Dinner will be a feast presented by Mistress Rebecca. Cost for the feast is $7 for youth and adults, ages 14 and up, $4 for children 6 to 13, and children 5 and under eat for free.
  The event will be held at the Whittier Center, 290 N 400 E Logan, Utah. Take your best route to Logan. Starting from Main Street, turn east on 300 N, until you reach 400 E. It is a large yellow brick building on the corner.  Signs will be posted. (This is a change from February/March Sage announcement)
  The site is dry. No pets allowed. The site opens at 10 am and closes at 10 pm.
  Site fees are as follows: Adults 18 and over, $6; youth 14-17, $4; children 6-13, $3, children 5 and under, free. Adults without membership cards will be charged a $3 surcharge. There is a family cap on site fees of $25, plus applicable non-member surcharges. Please make checks payable to Shire of Côte du Ciel, SCA Inc.
  Steward: Lady Brigitta des Schweigends 
  Feast Steward: HE Mistress Rebecca Chadderton, OL

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