[Artemisia] Uprising scheduling

Caointiarn caointiarn1 at bresnan.net
Thu May 29 22:48:34 CDT 2008

My goodness, Conrad!  What is with all the garble within your post?
I saw your question as a theoretical one  -- not necessarily pinpointing
The way I see it,  people want to be ready for Court.   The ones that
know they are appearing before TRM's want to be ready, and may need to
fuss all day.  
Some have to do with people arriving on time.  My rather jaded
experience is people showing up for an event "whenever" with no interest
in opening or morning court, whether it be just a "meet and greet"  or
the final court of the departing Crowns. 
In the back of my mind is also the question: are the ones appointed to
hold court ready?  Again experience reminds me of being held hostage
waiting for Court as the Crowns attend to so many "last minute" details.

When you were Baron, did you hold mid-day court? Morning Court?  Were
you satisfied with the outcomes? 
I'm wondering why the Bardic has to be so late in the evening . . . . .
Caointiarn  (with the early bedtime)
Greetings Excellency,
I'd say respectfully, that the same situation applies to having a
tournament starting at 10:00 am.  You don't know how long its going
to run.  In point of fact, there isn't much control over how long
it is going to run unless you put a time deadline on it (a thought
there, to be explored later).
Court is the one of the things that Royalty actually DOES have
control over.  

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