[Artemisia] Christmas carols?

Rebecca Mikkelsen mikkelsen_rebecca at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 3 08:54:39 CST 2008

Esther asked:
> Which carols are period? Are there any? Our shire was thinking of caroling in garb and hading out fliers. Esther

Here are a few period Christmas carols.  It is likely your shire members have heard these songs and sung them in high school, community or church choirs.

In Dulci Jubilo/Good Christian Men Rejoice, 14th c.
Pat-a-Pan, Burgundian
O Come, O Come Emmanuel, 15th c.
Coventry Carol/Lully, Lullay, 16th c.
The Holly and the Ivy, unknown but has distinct pagan overtones
Riu Riu Chiu, 16th c.
Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella, 16th c.
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, 16th c.

Try to inter-library loan "The Oxford Book of Carols".  You will have more carols than you know what to do with.  It is worth reading just for the historical information about carols, even if you never sing a tune.

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