[Artemisia] Youth Combat, regarding Nerf N-Force Swords

Ken and Mindy Wilson kenandmindy at cableone.net
Thu Apr 16 16:50:28 CDT 2009

So, playing the devil's advocate because I KNOW it's going to come up...
Does this mean we are now going to start fully enforcing the kingdom youth
combat rules for people within their encampments?
Here's the thought process: For several years at Uprising (I refer
specifically to Uprising because that's the event that I am most sure of,
and also the one that applies directly to me) people have been told that
their children cannot foam fight in public spaces unless they are in a
designated aeric, have appropriate gear, marshal, etc... but that they could
do whatever foam fighting they wanted to *inside their own camp*.
Does this new ruling mean that guideline no longer applies? Will kids
fighting with n-strike swords in their own camps be subject to confiscation
rules as stated?

Frankly, as someone who is responsible for enforcement, it strikes me as a
discriminatory policy. 
-Marcello, Uprising MiC.

-----Original Message-----
From: rayzentz at aim.com

I said "Do not bring them to SCA events."? I also said, "If children are
wielding these swords at SCA events, they WILL be confiscated..." I meant
nothing else but what I said.

It's a safety issue.

Lord Padruig McTavish
Kingdom Youth Combat Marshal

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