[Artemisia] silk floss?

S CLEMENGER sclemenger at msn.com
Sat Jan 3 14:22:55 CST 2009

Depends on the kind of silk floss that you want.  There's an awful lot of 
options out there.
I get my stuff from ThreadExpress:
And then there's Hedgehog Handiworks....
And there's LacemakerUSA....
There are also a lot of other places--ones that specialize in European 
embroidery silks and so forth, but these three, I've dealt with personally, 
and I like them all.

We also have a store, here in Missoula, that does sell some 
needlework/embroidery supplies--I'm not sure of the name of the business 
(got sold last year), but they used to be called the "KnitWit."  They're 
about half-embroidery, half-knitting stuff.  If you come up for an event 
(Spring Feast or something), we could certainly do a "field trip."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Reuben and Arwen" <reuben_arwen at yahoo.com>
To: <artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 12:51 PM
Subject: [Artemisia] silk floss?

> Where is the best place on-line to buy 100% silk embroidery floss?  No 
> stores here carry it.  Arwen/Esther

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