[Artemisia] Missing soldiers

Suzanne Semich magpie at wyoming.com
Tue Jun 9 12:02:59 CDT 2009

Greetings all,
    Here is the list current list of missing soldiers that I have collected. You will find their names Both SCA and mundane and the contact person and where they will be camped at Uprising so you can drop items or letters for our missing warriors. 

Lord Damian_ Damian Tennyson
    Juliana camped with League of York

mlord Etico the Idiot - Jay Robinson
    Lady Annabella Graham Camped with                 Brewha

mlord Amatzu- Haze Lasiter
    Lady Annabella Graham camped with                 Brewha

Ivan -LPL Tai Chrysostom
    Tamer Opropiri of Black Sea camped at Cote     du Ciel

Stephen McCale - K.C. 
    Cathryn Ann Camped at Cote du Ciel 

If you would like to add someone to this list please contact my by Monday June 15th at the latest.

Thank you everyone for supporting our Soldiers!!
Lady Annabella Graham

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