[Artemisia] Latin

Reuben and Arwen reuben_arwen at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 12 13:47:56 CDT 2010

eeeek! English to latin  composition!? my profs used to punish us for idleness by making us composition! trying to tackle that language is a little tricky!

Its hard to compose latin with either methods, because latin's grammar is complex and english's is not.

for instance, the english word "to" cant be negotiated by a computer translator effectively because it can have so many meanings in english.  "going to the store"  "fighting to defeat evil" "moved to tears" - all of these would not only be rendered with different words in latin, but would change the sentence structure in completely different ways.

I will compose it when I can sit down and do it. 

Bengta, it would make it much easier for me if I knew exactly what was going on.  I am assuming this is some sort of paneled chronicle of Bohun's life.  With references to Duke Sean, I am going to assume that Bohun is an SCA personna.  What is his time period, what is his nationality.  These will help me latinize his name :)  Oh yeah, no word in latin can be simply rendered as it is in another language, as it will be un-recognizable as to what role it is playing in the sentence.

Also, after I get some 'rough cuts' of this drafted up, is it possible for us to meet? latin is a flexible and beautiful language where we can do many things that you simply cannot get across in english, and if you would be interested in making the most of it I would be glad to do so.  Latin has a rich vocabulary, and we can tailor a word to what we want it to mean:

and what country is Bohun riding to victory in?

M Harrison Taylor
aka Azemars, d. du Martel


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